Saturday, July 9, 2011

Optimus Prime saves the day.

Transformers was really awesome today.
I stared so long without blinking my eyes that I teared up at the end!
Really, the graphics, special effects, etc was super super amazing.
Definitely one of the best movies ever! I'll give it 100 stars!
Had a great time with Lavinia and co. too! :)
Thanks Caris for the free tix. ^^
Anyway, personal comments for the movie!
The sound effects were (Y). Totally giving this really nervous mood! Every single move the transformers(?) are making are just so critical to who will survive and who will not!
It'll be awesome if we watched it in 3D. Cause of all the sparks and stuff. And it will seem like the building is really collapsing on you! If my dad is gonna watch in 3D again, I'll go for sure!
BUT, there shouldn't be 2 transformers with the same colour. Esp. if one is good and the other is bad. Really confusing, and really really hard to differentiate from afar!
Ohoh, totally love all the war stuff. Really cool. All the messy technological-looking things!
And Lavinia made a good point, all the bad guys are grey colour. LOL. Except for the really really bad one.
I feel like something is missing from the movie though. Seems like Bumblebee and the other guys didn't get to appear as much as the previous movies.
The previous Transformers movies are definitely better than this one, but it's still good!
Something to add: MORE WARFARE!!!! Too much logical stuff and talking. And it's all about taking over the earth and stuff, so not much interest.
No idea why Megan Fox is gone. Did she die in the previous movie? No right. They say she dumped Sam in the movie. But why? They went through so much!
And I find Sam's parents really extra. What is their purpose for appearing in the movie? To sit in some bus/caravan thing and talk?
Hahahaha, so many comments but still, really, MUST GO WATCH THE MOVIE!
MY HERO: Optimus Prime. <3 (he's up there ^ see?)

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