Friday, September 10, 2010

Tape back the broken heart

To YOU,I guess you know what the picture on top is talking about huh? ;D Except it's supposed to be tape and not plaster.HAHA.

Cold and boring day today): Went out to orchard.Had lunch at a japanese restaurant? Didn't finish my unagi,too sweet :S The coke float sucks too.Supposed to be vanilla ice-cream and they put chocolate ice-cream.Maybe that's why it tasted so awful.Walked around.Kinokuniya again.Can't stand the crowd at taka,that's why went there for some peace and quiet(: My mum couldn't find me at the bookstore though I was still inside.We found out in the end that there were TWO kinokuniya bookstores in taka-.- Bought famous amos,walked around wisma then home.


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