Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Damn pissed off now.I just don't know what else you want me to do.Whatever you say,I try to listen and obey.I'm already very good already,don't you know it? Even when you only allow me to use the laptop during weekends,I don't complain.But,even on the two days where I can use the laptop,you set time limits for me.Don't I get to relax for just two days.Is studying 5 days a week not enough for you? At least I still try to obey you.What's worse is that you doubt me.When I'm staying back in school,you think I'm sneaking off somewhere to hang out with my friends.If you don't believe me,why don't you come to school and check on me?! You don't want to come and check,then you anyhow make assumptions.Seriously,what's the point of lying to you?! I want to go somewhere,I will just tell you.Why must I stoop so low and lie to you to go somewhere with my friends.Still dare to tell me is not you say I cannot stay back.Please la.Daddy won't even care whether I stay back or not,just as long as I get good results.But you? You only know how to doubt me,scold me,criticise me.Not all teenagers are ah lians you know.Just because I'm a teenager now,you become stricter with me.From now on,I don't fucking care anymore.I'm going to be who I want to be,you not happy,then that's your fucking problem.Even when I try my hardest to be a good girl,you don't appreciate.You think I live to put up with you is it?

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