Saturday, July 10, 2010

Friendship,what else?


I'm not going to let this thing affect me anymore.I still have doubts,but I don't really want to care about it anymore.I'm realising only NOW,who are my real friends.Yes,I was so close to you before,but now,I don't I will ever want to be close to you anymore.You know why? Cause you're not fit to be a FRIEND at all.Every other friend knows how to be one,but it's very clear you DON'T.You only know how to act,pretend and seek attention.I really hate you very much now.Everytime you talk to me,I feel like bringing my palm across your face.You are just f-king annoying,do you know that? You piss me off just being near me.I hate your whiney,girly ways ttm.Everytime I see you,I feel like slapping you.You are the worst friend I've ever had in my entire life.You don't even know HOW to be a friend.Really,I was so blind before,but not anymore.

Haha! I said I will write about you in my post if I can think about what to write(:

Thanks for making me your AAWWEESSOOMMEE.
Thanks for always being one call away ;)
Thanks for making me laugh at times.
Thanks for always being there when I need someone to vent my anger on :D
Thanks for explaining difficult situations to me.
Thanks for the WISE advices.

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